I know there are many variables, but is there a standard way to estimate potential advertising revenue based on the number of page views a website has? I am planning an information based website aimed at small business owners and I would like to figure out roughly how much advertising revenue I can expect.
I know there are many variables, but if anyone with first hand knowledge can help me with some information, ideally with some formulas that will help me calculate potential revenue I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Yes, but you have to know a few other variables as well.
Your formula is:
(Page Views X Conversion Rate X Sale Value) = Earnings
Page Views = number of people who view your page
Conversion Rate = conversions/page views You generally have a fairly accurate conversion rate figure after about 30 conversions.
Sale Value = How much you earn per sale
Earnings = revenue
I left out Average Refunds, but that is something you might like to have in your formula as well.