catalogo de musica coral usada en los medios, caractirizados por un estilo epico a base de orquesta y coro

track list

1 Dryka – Ars Arcana
2 Hammer of the Gods – Audiomachine
3 Rise of the Avenger – Brand x
4 Herr der scahtten – E nomine
5 Sarabande suite (Aeternae) – Globus
6 Agresive intervention-Future World m.
7 The Mass – eRa
8 Epicon (Hybrid)- immediate music
9 Evil Island – Pfeifer Broz music.
10 Catastrophic Proportion-Position m.
11 Quidditch World cup – Patrick Doyle
12 Moving mountains-Two steps from
13 low of Solipsism – Death Note OST
14 Movement I – Vangelis
15 Dethrone the king – X-Ray Dog

1: used in x-men trailer
2: used in fantastic four 2 trailer
3: used in fantastic four 2 trailer
11: used in harry potter 4 soundtrack
12: used in jumper trailer
15: used in the simpsons movie trailer

Duration : 0:10:0

[youtube 0cimzgc0KdM]