
I am looking to email 8000 users on a daily basis, emailing them about every 2-3 days by deleting old users and importing new ones. I am looking for a good email marketing solution that would send emails to my users' inbox and not mark them spam. I am looking for softwares only, or a good and cheap site thanks.

The best is aweber… they are simply great. Its only $20 a month, you can create unlimited email lists, you can set up unlimited auto responders, and set everything on auto and its click of a button easy.

They have a spam control generator which shows your a color coded spam setting of each email you send out, you simply have to tweak things that get labeled as spam before you send it out. There is not a better service out there… Check it out at


at the site they also have a free tour you can take and kinda test drive it. Trust me its worth the 19.99/ mnth fee..

Its makes your job so much easier.

then if you'd like you can sign up for my newsletter that I actually use this service with… the newsletter is free and it is about tips for internet martketing and website traffic buidling at
