
Hi all.. i'm doing an assignment on marketing.I chose social marketing as my topic.. but now I'm confused whether there is any difference between the responsible marketing and social marketing.. please help me.. i had to submit the assignment tomorrow.. and please also tell me whether societal marketing and responsible marketing are synonymous..

Social marketing is the systematic application of marketing along with other concepts and techniques to achieve specific behavioral goals for a social good. Social marketing can be applied to promote, for example, merit goods, make the society avoid demerit goods and thus to promote that considers society's well being as a whole. This may include asking people not to smoke in public areas, for example, ask them to use seat belts, prompting to make them follow speed limits.
Although 'social marketing' is sometimes seen only as using standard commercial marketing practices to achieve non-commercial goals, this is an over-simplification.
The primary aim of 'social marketing' is 'social good', while in 'commercial marketing' the aim is primarily 'financial'. This does not mean that commercial marketers can not contribute to achievement of social good.
Increasingly, social marketing is being described as having 'two parents' – a 'social parent' = social sciences and social policy, and a 'marketing parent' = commercial and public sector marketing approaches.
Beginning in the 1970s, it has in the last decade matured into a much more integrative and inclusive discipline that draws on the full range of social sciences and social policy approaches as well as marketing.
Using the benefits and of doing 'social good' to secure and maintain customer engagement. In 'social marketing' the distinguishing feature is therefore its 'primary' focus on 'social good', and it is not a secondary outcome. Not all public sector and not-for-profit marketing is social marketing.
Public sector bodies can use standard marketing approaches to improve the promotion of their relevant services and organizational aims, this can be very important, but should not be confused with 'social marketing' where the focus in on achieving specific behavioural goals with specific audiences in relation to different topics relevant to social good (eg: health, sustainability, recycling, etc).
As the dividing lines are rarely clear it is important not to confuse social marketing with commercial marketing.
A commercial marketer selling a product may only seek to influence a buyer to make a product purchase.
Social marketers, dealing with goals such as reducing cigarette smoking or encouraging condom use, have more difficult goals: to make potentially difficult and long-term behavioral change in target populations.
It is sometimes felt that social marketing is restricted to a particular spectrum of client — the non-profit organization, the health services group, the government agency.
These often are the clients of social marketing agencies, but the goal of inducing social change is not restricted to governmental or non-profit charitable organizations; it may be argued that corporate public relations efforts such as funding for the arts are an example of social marketing.
Social marketing should not be confused with the Societal Marketing Concept which was a forerunner of sustainable marketing in integrating issues of social responsibility into commercial marketing strategies. In contrast to that, social marketing uses commercial marketing theories, tools and techniques to social issues.
Social marketing applies a “customer oriented” approach and uses the concepts and tools used by commercial marketers in pursuit of social goals like Anti-Smoking-Campaigns or fund raising for NGOs.Socially responsible marketing is a marketing philosophy that states a company should take into consideration what is in the best interest of society in the present and long term.
Socially responsible companies should aspire to produce desirable products. Desirable products provide immediate satisfaction and long term benefits.These products are sought by consumers for immediate gratification and also benefit society and consumers in the long term.
An example of socially responsible marketing would be the advertising of alcoholic drinks when there are no rules or regulations. A beer company that decided to use socially responsible marketing would avoid advertising its products to minors. The company would focus its advertising around late night television programming or adult magazines that minors are less likely to read.
Another example of socially responsible marketing is a mail order catalogue company using recycled paper to make its catalogues. Advertising this in the catalogue could help convince customers that the company is environmentally conscious and makes an effort to protect the environment. By appealing to this audience companies can differentiate themselves from competitors and potentially gain market share.