In this video I teach you how to reduce your google adwords cost! I used a clickbank product as an example but you can use this on any website!

Find a website you would like to know the statistics (demographics) about. In this case, I chose a clickbank product.

Search for website you would like data about at

This is the information you will plug into your google adwords campaign.

Since 54% of the visitors are female and 46% are male, I make no changes.

You can see that 36% of the people that visit are from age 35-49. **you will want to target the highest % to reduce your cost per click and increase your conversion rate

Get rid of the other age ranges by clicking exclude. Your ads will now only show to ages 35-49

Click save changes and you are done! This strategy will save you a lot of money on your adwords campaign! Stay tuned for more PPC tips and tricks…and don't forget to visit my website.

Additional Tags:
adwords clickbank make money online work from home how to pay per click search engine optimization SEO click through rate CTR ROI rate of return investment how to get free google adwords ads miva yahoo marketing niche need reach targeting demographic placement write effective ads

Duration : 0:2:16

[youtube 9D57dLF_LoE]