So you have been marketing with Google for a long time now and your adwords funds are being drained quicker then you can post your advertisments…

Enter Google Placements inside Google Adwords the advertising that brings money back into your wallet instead of out 🙂

Google Placement is basically advertising on other websites within Google's content network (ANY WEBSITE THAT IS RUNNING GOOGLE ADSENSE)

In this video you will see a few hints and tips that will excel your placment advertising to a new level if you are currently utilizing it and if not then this video on Google Placements through adwords is a must for you.

Google Adwords
“Google Adwords”
[Google Adwords]
{Google Adwords}
(Google Adwords)
Google Advertising
“Google Advertising”
[Google Advertising]
{Google Advertising}
(Google Advertising)

Duration : 0:9:22

[youtube otQHFAKKNkU]